Wednesday, November 28, 2007 |
Compare Pet Insurance To Find Best Possible Plan |
Just like shopping for health insurance for you and the family, it is wise to compare pet insurance before signing up for the policy. There is more to consider than just the monthly premiums, such as per incident deductible, out-of-pocket limits and any limitation on the maximum payout for the animals lifetime. Similar to health care for people, when you compare pet insurance plans you will find that the ones with the lowest monthly cost may not offer the best deal for the money. When you compare pet insurance, obviously you will look at the monthly premiums, but consider the deductibles available with each premium. With higher deductibles the monthly costs is typically lower, but if the difference is $150 for instance for each time the vet sees the animal, two or three visits to the doctor with the higher deductible can make the average monthly cost of the insurance considerably higher. You will also want to compare pet insurance for the maximum amount payable per incident as well as for the lifetime of the pet. Policy limits can limit the type of medical treatment your pet receives and when you compare pet insurance, remember the sophisticated test procedures now available for veterinarians such as x-rays and CAT scans that can be costly. If the policy sets limits on the total cost of procedures, such testing can quickly reach the policy limits, leaving you with a large chunk of the vet bill not covered. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 10:39 PM   |
Sunday, November 25, 2007 |
What You Need To Know About Banfield Pet Insurance |
Along with everything else, the cost of veterinary care has skyrocketed. Even if you have a mixed breed or mongrel cat or dog, they aren’t going to necessarily be any healthier than a purebred. Purebreds, however, are notorious for developing health problems, depending on the breed. With all you have to worry about, thinking your loyal pet would get ill or have an accident is probably far from your mind. But pet insurance is usually only less than twenty dollars a month. When Did Banfield Go Into The Insurance Biz? Banfield is a famous name of veterinary clinics across the country which started in Portland, Oregon. Banfield clinics can be found in some PetSmart stores. Vets know all too well the costs of treating a sick animal may be so much that a family may feel they have no choice but euthanasia for a sick pet. Even with some of the more common health issues covered by low-cost insurance that may be all some pets need. The Banfield pet insurance website claims that your pet can live as much as 25% longer with basic shots and annual check-ups alone. Banfield pet insurance is available from the PetSmart chain and website. Although Americans are skeptical about any insurance plans, Banfield pet insurance does have a reputation among pet websites and forums for having the latest technology available. Some pet owners are surprised that it only covers shots and annual check ups. Before you pay for any pet insurance, be sure to read what is covered and what isn’t! Banfield Wellness Plans Most Banfield pet insurance is referred to as “Banfield Wellness plans”. They only work at Banfield clinics. There are over 300 Banfield clinics in America. Since your pet’s information would be in a computer bank, if you move and take your pet to the Banfield near your new home, your pet’s information can be transferred to the new clinic from the old clinic. Banfield pet insurance is not for every pet owner for every pet situation. If you just brough home puppy or kitten, you will have a lot of new things and routines to worry about. Banfield pet insurance or “wellness plans” are best for new pet owners who are trying to readjust their lives around their new pet. Later on, when things have settled down, you might want to find a far more comprehensive pet insurance policy. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 10:43 PM   |
Thursday, November 22, 2007 |
Exotic Pet Insurance Covers Majority Of Species |
It does not matter what type of pet you have, most pet owners want to protect their investment. Many consider their pets as part of their family and by having insurance for their medical needs can ease the financial burden of caring for a pet. While dogs and cats may be considered traditional pets, exotic pet insurance is available for other animals that fly, walk, crawl or slither. Most exotic pets, when legally obtained, can cost several thousands of dollars and while expensive, they will also quickly become part of the family. By purchasing exotic pet insurance, they can be protected against illness, accidents and emergencies, as well as long-term conditions that some species are prone to suffer. Without having exotic pet insurance, the owner risks creating great financial responsibility in caring for the pet, or be forced to make a decision they are not comfortable in making. Those who offer habitat services for pets while the owners are on vacation or house them for medical purposes should already carry exotic pet insurance to cover them in case of loss. A kennel struck by a severe storm causing the loss of the animals will be hard enough on the owners and without some type of coverage for reimbursement, will cause an additional financial hit to the company. Check Policy For Coverage Options Understand how much the exotic pet insurance will pay for eligible office visits, and what constitutes an eligible visit. What type and how often does it pay for routine physical exams, heartworm protection and other procedures routine for the exotic species you own. Make sure the exotic pet insurance pay for treatments and prescriptions, whether given by the vet or at an animal hospital. The exotic pet insurance should also pay a percentage of diagnostic tests and laboratory fees, including e-rays, especially in case of an emergency. It should also cover surgeries and be available for you to take the pet to any licensed veterinarian in an emergency when away from home. Also check the amount that will be paid out-of-pocket as well as maximum benefit amounts. Many companies place a cap on each treatment and if complications develop as a result of treatment will treat subsequent vet visits as the same treatment. If the maximum allowable per treatment has been paid, the owner will be responsible for the remainder of the bill. There may also be a maximum amount exotic pet insurance will pay during the animal’s lifetime, and once that amount has been expended, there will be no more coverage. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 7:30 PM   |
Monday, November 19, 2007 |
What Your Pets Need To Know About ASDA Pet Insurance |
You know it wasn’t your idea to get the big bag of squeaky toys. But somehow you bought yet another big bag of squeaky toys for your pet. Could it be that your pet sometimes controls your mind? Yes, but only in a nice way. When your pet is happy, it makes you happy, doesn’t it? So, when your pet convinces you to buy stuff, your pet really has your happiness in mind. Your pet most likely hates the vet. So your pet is probably controlling your mind to get pet health insurance. If you live in the United Kingdom, then most likely your pet is getting you to think about ASDA pet insurance. A Small Domestic Animal You can’t even live under a rock in Britain without being aware of ASDA. It is the English name of the infamous Wal-Mart chain in America. Your pet might think ASDA stands for A Small Domestic Animal. That may be why ASDA supplies not only the proper food, toys, medical supplies and training tools for your pet, but ASDA pet insurance, too. Some Details ASDA pet insurance will insure dogs and cats from 2 months to eight years old, in order to keep the overall premiums low. ASDA pet insurance covers not only injury or health problems with your pet (they do have exclusions for pre-existing conditions). ADSA pet insurance also includes X-rays, routine inoculations, medication, most surgeries and even just going in to the vet for a check up. There is a Basic and Premium ASDA pet insurance to choose from that covers medical issues. You can enroll and make claims online. There usually is a discount for enrolling online, but check with your local ASDA store or website for details. Every Little Helps As ASDA’s infamous slogan says, “Every little helps”. There are options and extras if your pet thinks you need them. You can opt to get pet travel insurance, pet liability insurance, and recouping kennel fees or the cost of advertising for your pet incase the pet ever gets lost or stolen. And you needn’t change your vet in order to be covered with ASDA pet insurance. You download the claims forms off of your computer – or call ASDA and they will mail the forms to you. You and your vet fills the forms out and then mail them to ASDA pet insurance. ASDA pet insurance is underwritten by Alliance Insurance of the UK, so your pet knows that they will still be around for at least until your pet in nine years old. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 6:51 PM   |
Sunday, November 18, 2007 |
Cheap Pet Insurance May Cost More Over Time |
In the minds of many pet owners, cheap pet insurance is better than no insurance, but when something major happens with their beloved animal they may find this is not entirely true. While cheap pet insurance may be available at a lower monthly premium, how much of the vet’s bill it actually covers may make animal health care costs higher in the long run. When looking for cheap pet insurance the monthly premium should only be a starting point, with the deductible the primary consideration in making a choice. If the cost of the deductible will be about the same as the difference in the monthly payments, it will probably pay to pay a little more each month instead of a larger amount each time you take your pet to the vet. However, if you have an extremely healthy pet that listens to everything it is told and there is little chance of injury or illness, then cheap pet insurance with a high deductible may suit your needs. Many pet owners are able to cover the annual veterinarian costs and buy cheap pet insurance simply to cover catastrophic emergencies they may experience with their pets. Budget Is Major Consideration For Quality Pet Care Many families simply do have the financial resources to buy a low deductible, high payout health care plan for their pets. They may be struggling to maintain health insurance on the human members of the family and will choose cheap pet insurance just to be protected in case of an emergency. For those having some coverage will help them make decisions on their pet’s health based on other than financial concerns. Other considerations with cheap pet insurance are the policy’s maximum allowable payout over the life of the pet. They may also have a maximum payout on an annual basis and may not cover annual checkups or vaccinations. The occasional visit to the vet when the pat develops a cough or cold may also be the owner’s responsibility with the cheap pet insurance picking up little or nothing of the cost unless the illness develops into something more life threatening. In some states, pet insurance is not regulated by any government agency and care must be taken to insure that company with which you obtain cheap pet insurance is a solid company and not a fly-by-night organization simply after the money. If your state does not regulate pet health insurance, check with the Better Business Bureau to insure you are dealing with an honest company. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 7:41 PM   |
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
Keep Animal Healthy With Best Pet Insurance |
More people are admitting these days that their pet is like a member of the family, and as such, they want the best pet insurance they can find for their beloved animal. To many their pet is treated the same as any other member of the family, except when it comes to their health. Of course, they will take them for their annual vaccinations and if they show signs of serious illness, they will take them to the veterinarian, but many times lesser ailment may go untreated due to the cost. As the cost of taking pets to the veterinarian continues to increase, find the best pet insurance in your area can take some of the sting out of high vet bills. It can also allow the pet’s owner to take the animal to the doctor with a better understanding of what it will cost. While in most cases, unlike health care for humans, the owner must pay the veterinarian up front and file a claim with the insurance company to be reimbursed according to the schedule established at the time the policy was taken out. In many cases, policies for healthy pets are available and with the exception of pre-existing conditions, the insurance company will pay most of the bill for accidents, injuries and illnesses. By shopping around for the best pet insurance you can find, your pet can be covered for most major problems, similar to the rest of the family. Check The Wisdom Of Insuring Your Pet Many insurance companies offer pet insurance with rates varying by the animal’s age. As young dogs and cats begin to explore their surroundings accidents are bound to happen. Additionally, as they grow older, the chance of contracting major problems such as kidney failure and heart disease become greater. On average, 10 percent of dogs over age six will develop some type of kidney problems and can quickly run up veterinarian bills anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000. By not having the best pet insurance for your pet can make some decisions more difficult than they need to be. Curious cats jumping off high furniture can lead to broken bones or if the family dog decides to chase a car, and actually catches it, can ring up stiff medical bills. If the animal is covered by the best pet insurance you can find, getting them the proper care in a timely manner can often be the difference of life and death. Technorati Tags: Best Pet InsurancePowered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 2:44 PM   |
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 |
What You Need To Know About ASPCA Pet Insurance |
Pet health insurance companies aren’t just advertising in pet magazines anymore. Just yesterday, this writer turned over the receipt from the local supermarket – to find an advertisement and coupon for ASPCA pet insurance! As my family includes both a cat and a dog, and I am now employed in the wonderfully wacky word of freelance writing, I have been seriously thinking of getting pet insurance. When Did The ASPCA Go Into The Insurance Biz? The ASPCA is the Yankee version of the older RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) of England. Both societies work for the same goal – to lessen the pain and suffering of animals worldwide. In America alone, millions of dogs and cats wind up in animal shelters because their owners no longer wanted them. In America alone, 50% of dogs and 70% of cats that wind up in shelters have to be put to sleep because they were not adopted in the specified time frame for adoption. Although England is leading the world with no-kill shelters, taking animals from irresponsible hands will not solve the problem. One of the reasons people abandon their pets is that they cannot afford the vet bills when an injury or sudden illness occurred. In the late 1990’s, I adopted a lovely show specimen Peruvian guinea pig who had been mysteriously abandoned. Within two days I knew why – the guinea pig had an inner ear disease. If the original owners had ASPCA pet insurance, they may have been able to afford to keep such a sweet piggy. So, the ASPCA pet insurance plan was born. Details, Details The ASPCA pet insurance plan offers financial help for animals going through illness, recovering from an accident and even helps cover routine care such as annual vaccinations. You can apply online or over the phone at 1-866-861-9092. You do not need to go to a specific vet to use ASPCA pet insurance. You can download a claim form online, print it out and have you and your vet fill it out. Then, you mail it to the ASPCA pet insurance address. They try to get all claims filled out in fifteen business days. There are several ways you can pay – monthly, quarterly and annually. There are more fees added if you pay monthly, however. You can pay by credit card or automatic check withdrawal. ASPCA pet insurance does not cover pre-existing health conditions prior to buying the policy. They also do not cover organ-transplant operations. Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 10:08 PM   |
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 |
More Insurance Companies Offer Pet Health Insurance |
Pets can’t choose whether they are going to go to the vet or not when they are sick. When they are sick, they have to go to the vet. And that’s expensive. Like everything else, the costs of veterinary care are rising. There are some things in life insurance covers that you have a choice to pay for or not. Many people choose not to have health insurance because they can’t afford it. But pets can’t choose this. Also, thankfully, there are many low-cost pet insurance plans available in many countries such as Australia, America, Canada and the United Kingdom. Insurance companies offer pet health insurance that is far more affordable, understandable and reliable than people health insurance. The Newcomer To The Insurance Market Forty years ago, finding companies offer pet health insurance was impossible. It wasn’t until the late 1970’s did the first pet health insurance become available in England. England has been at the forefront of veterinary research for many years, putting more money into helping animals get better than other countries. Since the 1980’s, other companies offer pet health insurance because more money is going into keeping pets happy and healthy. Pets keep people healthy. Just petting a cat or a dog can lower your blood pressure. People with crippling depression find having the responsibility of taking care of a pet a reason to get out of bed every day. Often the pet is the only reason they are still alive. More and more insurance companies offer pet health insurance because pets make us more human. Rising Now, nearly all insurance companies offer pet health insurance. If they don’t offer it through their company directly, they will often underwrite other companies that offer pet health insurance only to give those companies the financial backing they need (and to share the profits, of course). There is no law making pet health insurance a requirement for owning a pet, as there are many laws requiring proof of insurance before you can get a car. And there is no law that you have to have health insurance before you can get pregnant. But pet health insurance is becoming the one kind of insurance people will voluntarily pay for, as it is helping to cover health costs of what means most to them. You can go to pet magazines, web sites and your veterinarian to discover companies offer pet insurance to suit your pet and circumstance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What Is Tesco Pet Insurance? pet care pet insurance Pet Care Insurance - Choosing the Best Pet Insurance | Healthier Dogs Protect Your Dog With Pet Health Insurance at Dog Insurance Insurance Blog- Car , Motor , Home , Travel , Life And Business Insurance Starting a Pet Sitting Business of a Different Breed and Scooping Up the Bi.. Pets On The Blog » Blog Archive » Pet Health Insurance - Al.. Mapgirl’s Fiscal Challenge / Doomsday Fund A Quick Look At Veterinary Pet Insurance at pet insurance A Quick Look.. Mapgirl’s Fiscal Challenge / Doomsday Fund Health and Diseases Directory » Atkins Food Health Store ASPCA Now Offering Pet Health Insurance | google-sina Medical,health artic.. Buddies Launches Staff Pet Insurance Scheme | Pet Insurance Blog - PetCare Pet Insurance Joins Ranks of GirlfriendsCafe .. Pet Life Insurance - Important Issues When Purchasing One at pet insuran.. Animals Information Guide | animal information wild, | animal black informa.. A Comparison of Five Pet Health Insurance Plans | Barracuda Brigade Has died from a isabel emphysema in the. » Blog Archive » Do.. Pets Information Directory » Pet care pet insurance Pet Medicine Discount Pet Medication | Sudden RX Pet Medicine - High Cost ? » Pet Medicine | Pet Medications | Pet Me.. In The Pink Texas » Blog Archive » Choosing Pet Insurance For Your Animal. Things To Consider. | Financial He.. Affordable Pet Insurance » auto insurance online quote Pet Insurance » pet care pet insurance Pet Insurance Quote » auto owners insurance company Casualty company insurance progressive. » Blog Archive » New.. Dog Health Insurance, Pet Care - First Month Only $1! | Dogs For All Pennsylvania Home Owner Insurance » farm bureau auto insurance Peticare Pet Products and Services : Pet Care Empowering Pet Owners Pet Info Blog » Late breaking news Pet Insurance » Blog Archive » pet care pet insurance Pet Health Care » Potential Problems for AKC Dog Owners who Wish to P.. |
posted by Heen @ 10:43 PM   |
Monday, November 12, 2007 |
Reading Up on a Pet Insurance Review |
If you have a pet that you love and are concerned about its health and well being, you are probably contemplating whether or not to take out a pet health insurance policy. If you are still debating it, that is understandable because such an insurance policy is still a relatively new form of pet protection that has grown in visibility in recent years thanks mainly to the internet raising awareness on the subject. For those completely unfamiliar with what exactly pet health insurance is, it is a policy no different than a health insurance plan for a ‘regular’ human being. An owner takes out an insurance policy and pays a premium and the pet is now covered for medical treatment. While this is a somewhat simplified definition of pet health insurance, it covers the ‘basics’ of what it is that a pet health insurance plan offers. If you are still confused as to what kind of plan to take out or what particular company to select, you may wish to check out a pet insurance review so as to determine which policy would be best for you. The Best Pet Insurance Review If there was a pet insurance review that would prove the most helpful, it would be a review written by an individual who purchased the insurance for a pet and then used the insurance. In other words, you will be best served seeking the advice of someone who is a consumer of the policy and has intimate experience with it. It would be equally wise to avoid a pet insurance review that was provided by those that issue the policies as they have a tendency to be terse and exclusively supportive. That is not to say that a pet insurance review provided by the policy issuer is dishonest, but one should never look past the fact that such a review exists primarily for promotional purposes. Look for Your Needs in the Pet Insurance Review When reading the pet insurance review, look to see if the reviewer mentions items that might draw parallels between your needs and his. That is to say, if you own an old cat and the reviewer mentions he owns an old cat and has had a positive experience with a particular policy, then this review will be exceptionally helpful to you. General, generic endorsements or condemnations of an insurance provider are of little use and if the review is useless, what value could it possess? Technorati Tags: Pet Insurance ReviewPowered by ScribeFire. Labels: Pet Insurance Review |
posted by Heen @ 9:41 PM   |
Sunday, November 11, 2007 |
A Few Things You Should Consider Before Finding An Affordable Pet Insurance |
There isn’t much difference between insurance requirements for a pet and human health insurance, and you will need to provide information about your pet such as the species that your pet belongs to, its gender and breed as well as its age before you can hope to find a suitable as well as affordable pet insurance for it. Such information is not something that changes and it is normal for pet health insurance companies to use it in order to find the best health insurance policy rates. Nevertheless, in your quest for affordable pet insurance you can control certain factors that will help you in this direction.
Accepted By The Veterinarian
You can start off by searching out a flexible plan for your pet’s insurance and a plan that meets your financial needs and which will be accepted by your veterinarian as well should be the preferred option. So, to get an affordable pet insurance you want to choose a veterinarian whom you do not have to travel long distances in order to show your dog as that will add to the costs and defeat your purpose.
Another aspect you should consider when looking for affordable pet insurance is to find a plan that offers unlimited coverage and which will especially cover your pet for its hereditary conditions and also any conditions that your pet already has. It is usual for many pet health insurance plans to cover hereditary conditions though they may baulk at covering pre-existing conditions. Still, perseverance pays and it would be worthwhile for pet owners to plan ahead for the pet’s health insurance and not wait till when the pet falls ill, or requires medical attention. No doubt, it means spending time and expending effort; but, it will go a long way in protecting the pet and also help in finding affordable pet insurance well in advance of the actual situation occurring.
Another feature of finding affordable pet insurance is to choose that plan that does not increase its rates when the pet grows older or even sicker. Even though these rates are still less than paying for the health costs outright, they become too high to be called affordable. The plan should also offer coverage for prescription, because prescription drugs are usually very expensive. So, having this covered in your pet’s insurance plan will certainly allow for it being termed affordable pet insurance.
Once you consider these factors and take them into account and choose your pet’s insurance accordingly, you will be well on your way to finding affordable pet insurance, and you should also be protected from any hidden costs creeping into the plan, and if such a plan fits your needs and does not at the same time dent your wallet, you will have found you the ideal and most affordable pet insurance.
Powered by ScribeFire. |
posted by Heen @ 8:22 PM   |
Saturday, November 10, 2007 |
Finding Arizona Pet Insurance As Easy As Finding A Doctor |
Regardless of where you live within the state of Arizona, pet insurance is available from a multitude of sources and with the cost of veterinarian care escalating annually it may pay to have your pet insured for most major problems. While some may consider insuring their pet’s health a waste of money when month pass and they have no health issues, a single incident such as swallowing a foreign object and having it lodged in their stomach or intestinal tract can cost as much as $3,000 to have it removed.
For Arizona pet insurance policy holders, the decision to operate or put the animal to sleep may well rest on the decision made about insurance. Many pet owners who have had to have a pet put to sleep due to the tremendous expenses of providing treatment and care may rethink their decision of not having health care insurance for their pets.
By visiting the pet’s veterinarian, owners can learn about the different types of Arizona pet insurance available and the vet’s experience with specific insurance companies. Typically, the pet owner pays for any services and then has to file a claim with the Arizona pet insurance company to receive reimbursement based on the schedule established in the pet insurance policy.
Different Climates Offer Different Hazards
Where a person lives should have little bearing on the decision affecting insuring their pets, but in some climates, there are more natural hazards than in other areas. Arizona pet insurance should include coverage for pets that are exposed to unfriendly inhabitants of desert surroundings. Since many pets do not automatically know what critters crawling around their back yard can be deadly they may think it is a game to chase them and when they catch them they learn the difference between friend and foe.
Having good Arizona pet insurance the animal can be protected in the event they are bitten or stung by a wild creature that may cause death if not treated properly. Having a veterinarian who also knows about your Arizona pet insurance, can possibly reduce the out-of-pocket expense. Knowing the owner will receive a check from the insurance company, some vets are will to wait for them to receive it, provided they promise to sign the check over to pay off the account.
Initially, with a healthy pet, the monthly payments may seem that they are going on something that is not really needed. However, one instance can easily justify the premiums for Arizona pet insurance for more than just a few months.
Technorati Tags: Arizona Powered by ScribeFire. Labels: Arizona |
posted by Heen @ 3:21 PM   |
Pet Insurance Is Becoming A Fast Growing Industry |
There has been a virtual explosion in the pet insurance industry with more than a dozen pet insurance companies cropping up - mostly on the web. Having brought a pet home, it only follows asking one the question whether insurance for it is necessary and how much will it likely cost. Will the financial outlay pay back dividends and also knowing what the coverage is are other questions that will beg an answer.
A Few Concerns That Require Being Addressed
You would also need to know whether insurance for pets covers all kinds of pets and what the choices for protecting the pet are, which are other concerns that will take up your time in this matter. Pet insurance policies for your lovable dog or cat or other pet are many, and thus you will need to extensively research different policies to find the most suitable one.
It is common for different pet insurance companies to offer different products for your pet’s health care coverage, though certain features will be common to almost all plans. If you manage to get a good plan, you will no doubt praise the insurance company to the skies and also revel in the peace of mind that it will give to you. However, many of these plans come with their own stipulations and the money you pay annually may often seem to be a waste of good money, especially when you are informed that the pet has a pre-existing or hereditary problem and thus cannot be covered.
Don’t be surprised if your pet insurance company turns down your request to insure your pet because of your pet’s previous health records, which need to be submitted when making a claim. And, if the claim is passed, it is not uncommon for owners of pets to wait weeks to get paid, and also not knowing how much of the claim is going to be paid which will depend on the company’s fee schedule is another botheration. Finally, there are also deductibles to consider before you get your claim paid out.
You also need to contend with the possibility that rates of pet insurance will go up each year, and there is also the possibility that your pet may get dropped by the insurance company. So, once you realize these pitfalls, you may come to realize that peace of mind is a pretty distant possibility and frustration would be more like what you are going to experience with your pet’s insurance.
Nevertheless, most pet owners will want a cost effective solution and in spite of the fact that many perceive pet insurance to be a trap that they must avoid falling into, they may get what they want from benefit programs such as Pet Assure which is used by many thousands of pet owners and which offer members many discounts as well as affect savings on veterinary care, as well as anything else related to caring for your pets. However, Pet Assure is not pet insurance. So, you need to weigh the pros and cons before choosing it.
Technorati Tags: Pet Insurance, Pet Care, Pet Labels: Pet, Pet Care, Pet Insurance |
posted by Heen @ 2:29 AM   |
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